Woo hoo! I made it to the half way point! Yesterday was day number 30 of 60. I'm feeling great and I'm looking forward to the next 30 days :) I've decided to add a stretching/flexibility goal. When I started yoga a year and a half ago, I was so inflexible that I couldn't even touch my toes. Now I can wrap my hands around the bottom of my foot and touch my face to my shin! Right now I can put my forearms on the ground in a seated straddle fold, and my new goal is to be able to lay my body onto the ground.
Getting to the half way point has got me thinking about this question: Are your commitments optional? The other day my husband asked me if I was going to go to yoga. I laughed and asked him if he was joking. Of course I was going to go - I go every day. I don't debate each day whether or not I am going to go, I just do it. I made a commitment for 60 days and that's what I am going to do - there's no optional part about it for me.
Similarly, yesterday a coworker asked me how the 60 days are going so far and she asked if I thought I was going to be able to keep it up. Again, I haven't even really considered the option of not finishing. It made me think about when people say they don't have the will power to do something. For me, the problem with that kind of thinking is that you are giving yourself the option to bail out on your commitment.
There are plenty of things we do every day, that sometimes we don't want to do, but we do them anyway. Like work for example: I have a commitment to go to work every day. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like going, but I do it anyway. It's not an option in my mind that I debate whether or not to do it - I just go because that's what I have committed to doing. So why should it be different in other areas of our lives?
It takes so much more energy to debate in your mind over something. I can come up with a million excuses why not to go to yoga: I'm tired, I was up late, I didn't sleep well, I don't have time, something came up, it's not convenient, etc. Those things will always be there, but they don't stop me from my other commitments. I don't say to my boss, "I'm sorry, I'm not coming into work today because I have other things to get done and it's just that that convenient for me." No - I prioritize my day and arrange to get other things done after I have fulfilled my commitment to go to work. The same is true for my yoga - so yes, I am definitely going to make it through the next 30 days, no doubt about it!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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