Tuesday, May 4, 2010

so hum

I spent a lot of time yesterday reading about mantras online.  I found lots of great options, so it was hard to choose just one.  Some of them were quite long and complicated, so I decided to start with a short mantra that will be easy to use & remember.  "So hum" is going to be my mantra - it means "I am that."  (So = "that" Hum = "I am") 

This mantra is said to be the natural sound of the breath; if you observe your breathing you'll hear "so-hum" as air moves in and out of your lungs. As you inhale, the sound of that vibration is "so." And as you exhale, the sound becomes "hum."

I tried it out before class yesterday.  I was there about 20 minutes early so I had time to myself.  I spent a couple minutes in still meditation repeating So Hum (in my head), and then I continued it as I began moving.  I was working on hand stands again, so I said So Hum in between each attempt as well as while I was in the hand stand.  It definitely helped focus my efforts and control my breath.  I did my longest hand stand yet - 4 seconds!!!  My goal is to do 5 seconds by Thursday because that is the last day of my 60 day challenge.  That's three more days, including today, so I know I can do it!

I definitely think there is something to this mantra thing...I had my best Hatha class in quite some time.  I was holding poses longer and with less effort/struggle.  Class flew by and after class I felt like I could have kept going through another hour.  This was exactly what I needed this week.  I was starting to feel like I was dragging myself to class every day - now I can't wait to go again!  I feel refreshed and motivated, like I can't get enough and I love it :)

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